Wednesday, June 29, 2011

And so it begins...

First, a word from Melissa:
I have attempted to keep a running log multiple times. Alas, it has gone the way of learning to crochet, reading the Fairy Queen in its Old English format and taking up home canning. This time around I have decided to come fully into the year 2011 and utilize technology and all its wonders to give it another go along with my ever wonderful partner, Mihkel. And, of course, we had to share it with you!

72 Runs

What it is: In this little corner of the blogosphere (always wanted to use that word) Mihkel and I will write about the 72(ish) runs that make up our marathon training plan. This begins on Monday, July 4th at the Peachtree Road Race and ends on Saturday, November 5th at the Savannah Rock and Roll Marathon. We will include GPS maps, some photos we take along the runs, and any entertaining observations or accomplishments (i.e. Mel has used the bathroom in 18 different McDonald’s locations!). This will likely expand into other parts of our lives since (those of you who are runners know) training for a distance event can BECOME your life. It is also to alleviate my need to discuss running 24/7.

Who we are:
I (Melissa) have been running pretty consistently since around 2006. That year I was deployed with the Navy to Africa and running just seemed the thing to do. After returning to Hawaii a devil in blonde hair and Chacos (Hi, Krystle!) talked me into running a 5K. Three half-marathons and numerous 5Ks later I am ready and excited to take on the marathon.

Mihkel and I began dating about a year ago and he gamely participated and increasingly enjoyed running with me. And then….disaster: “I want to run a marathon by the time I’m 30,” he said one evening. This put me into planning mode and within a few months we were at the starting line of the Publix Georgia Half Marathon.

So now, as a couple and running partners, we are going to tackle our first marathon together and share a lot of it (possibly too much) with y’all.

The Race: Our goal race is the inaugural Savannah Rock and Roll Marathon in Savannah, GA. We don’t have a time goal for the race, only to finish and look damn hot doing it. Here is the website:

The Training Plan: Mihkel and I are big believers in the run/walk method. I’ve found it helps a lot mentally. Running 20 miles sounds horrifying but anyone can run 4 minutes. So we alternate 4 minutes of running for every 1 minute of walking. This also makes it easier to hydrate and choke down a GU. We are following the Hal Higdon training program. Here’s the website: Hal Higdon Marathon Training.

Let’s get serious: The goal of the marathon and the road to get there is a bit daunting. A lot of you have been successful in doing this and we would love your advice, tips, support and understanding of the wonders of Body Glide. For those of you that aren’t runners but still love us (Hi Mom!) we will take all the “high-fives” and “get your asses moving” that you have to offer.

Running together has become a major part of our relationship. In turn we have fought, laughed, been brain dead, gawked at Atlanta’s sights, and pushed each other to continue to put one foot in front of the other. We are indescribably excited to start this new challenge together and just as excited to share it with you…even if “you” is only our moms.


Melissa and Mihkel

1 comment:

Krystle said...

Thanks for the plug, Mel, but you know I would have read it anyway! I'm excited to follow the journey - there's no getting out of this one!!!